Abu Dhabi Prospectus

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Abu Dhabi provides a unique opportunity for businesses looking to establish and grow in the Middle East. As the capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi has a diverse and sustainable economy that facilitates success for innovative businesses in the short- and long-term.

Abu Dhabi offers unrivalled connectivity to the business world, with 80 per cent of the world’s population within an eight-hour flight. We are ranked number one in the region for ease of doing business, offer access to world-class talent and state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity. Coupled with one of the world’s most accommodating tax environments (0% corporation tax and 0% income tax), and a quality of life unmatched anywhere else in the region, Abu Dhabi is the right place to grow your business, today.

To find out more about Why Abu Dhabi is the ideal destination for your business, download the 2021 Abu Dhabi Prospectus.

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